Gallery Edarcom Europa in Rome presents Sorpreso in flagranza di sogni (Surprised in the Act of Dreams), a solo exhibition by Mario Ferrante and curated by Francesco Ciaffi.
More than 30 works have been selected for the exhibition and examine Ferrante’s stylistic evolution over the last twenty years. Observers will notice a progression from figurative realism to abstract. The artist notes that the use of palette knives are the driving force of his dynamic and emotionally charged compositions.
Additionally, Ferrante will present his book Diario di un ritrattista (Diary of a Portrait Painter) on Thursday, December 2nd at Apollo Hall of Castel Sant’Angelo.

About Mario Ferrante
Mario Ferrante was born in Rome in 1957. Among the most significant events in his career are his participation in the Alitalia per l’Arte project with exhibitions in the Freccia Alata rooms at the John F. Kennedy airport (New York), Malpensa ( Milan) and Leonardo Da Vinci (Rome).
Furthermore, Ferrante has presented his works at: the National Art Club in New York (1999); Maschere ed anime at the Maschio Angioino in Naples (2003); Ubique vacuum at Palazzo Venezia in Rome (2007) and, in the same year, Le ombre della croce del Sud again at the Maschio Angioino in Naples, Sinfonia di Berlino. Other international exhibitions include: Negro no coração at the Brazilian Embassy in Germany (2010); A bênção da mãe de santo n at the Museo del Sannio in Benevento and again Ventre mole; Napoli come Rio at Castel dell’Ovo in Naples (2013) and Oltre il cielo. L’aria ed il cuore at the Brazilian Embassy in Italy.
Mario Ferrante | Sorpreso in flagranza di sogni. Diario di un ritrattista.
12 – 28 Novembre 2021
Galleria d’Arte Edarcom Europa
Via Macedonia 12, Roma (San Giovanni – Appio Latino)
Friday November 12th at 5pm-8pm
Exhibition Hours: From Monday to Saturday, 10:30am -1:00pm and 3:30pm-7:30pm (open on Sunday November 28th)
Green Pass check at the entrance on the day of the inauguration. On all other days, admission is open, subject to safety regulations.
06.7802620 |
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Love the rich color and lively paint/brushwork
Did he paint several works of the same composition? I’ve seen several pieces of the exact same oil on canvas and wondered how many of each were done.
Thank you!
Hi Therese! We are not sure. You may want to contact the gallery directly. Thanks for reading the article and discovering Live in Italy Magazine!
Hello. I am interested in learning more about Mario Ferrante. I think I discovered an original in my small town. Bought it and love it so much.
Thanks for discovering Live in Italy Magazine! You may wish to contact Galleria d’Arte Edarcom Europa to find out more about Mario Ferrante and his art.