Italian Art and Culture in the United States
The VIP Opening Reception of “Faith, Beauty, and Devotion: Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Paintings” took place on September 14th. The exhibition was presented by Belen Jesuit Preparatory School in Miami in collaboration with Frascione Arte (Florence) that is owned by Federico Gandolfi Vannini and his wife Daisy Diaz, the gallery’s Cultural Director. The Italian delegation included Michele Mistò, Consolato Generale d’Italia in Miami, Stefano Cerrato, Director of Instituto Italiano di Cultura di Miami (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and Claudio da Soller, Vice President of the Italy America Chamber of Commerce Southeast (IACCSE).
Faith, Beauty, and Devotion” is curated by Sylvie Daubar-San Juan and will be on view to the public through Miami Art Week (Art Basel Miami) with special hours and programs and closes on December 16th.

Frascione Arte (Firenze) brings to Miami works of art tracing the Western canon of art history from the 13th to the 17th centuries.
The “Faith, Beauty, and Devotion” art exhibition presented by renowned Italian Gallery, Frascione Arte at Belen Jesuit Preparatory School in Miami offers visitors the unique chance to bask in the awe-inspiring riches of some of the finest masterpieces of Italian, Flemish, and Spanish School ranging from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance to the Baroque period.
These paintings – seldom, if ever on display outside of the select circuits of European art galleries – depict scenes of religious and secular meaning in a sublime, magnificent, and timeless way, bearing a vivid testimony to the great achievements of the Western civilization, particularly of Italian culture. Federico and Daisy Gandolfi Vannini of the Frascione Art Gallery and the Belen Jesuit Preparatory School’s Saladrigas Art Gallery are to be commended for organizing this marvelous exhibit in Miami which contributes to strengthen the deeply-rooted cultural connection between Italy and the South-East US.
Art transcends time and place and knows no border. We are living hectic times and sometimes it takes the joint effort of public-minded generous individuals to remind us of the need to stop and ponder. That’s what the “Faith, Beauty, and Devotion” art exhibition did to me last night, and that’s what it’ll certainly do to many other fortunate visitors and art enthusiasts, who will rejoice over this unique opportunity of getting to admire masterpieces of devotion, artistic genius, and commitment to higher values.
Michele Mistò
Consul General of Italy

Visit “Faith, Beauty, and Devotion: Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Paintings.
For hours and information, visit Read Angie’s exhibition review here.
Sounds like a wonderful exhibit, which I just now discovered through this link on the internet; just by chance. It is a pity that this was not advertised to the local community. Must have been a private event. No wonder classical culture is vanishing from broader public participation.
Hello Prof. Cioffi-Revilla. Thanks for discovering Live in Italy Magazine. I emailed you as well, but while this article focuses on the private reception with the Consul General of Italy in Miami, there was a public opening the same week and the exhibition runs through mid-December with special hours during Miami Art Week. It is free and all information can be found here: We hope that you can visit! ~Lisa
Gentilissimo signore Console.Vorrei farle una domanda, perché quando uno chiama al consolato nessuno risponde.e non c’è servizio. Nella settimana avete giorni di apertura, perché non servite ai connazionali,perché si deve fare tutto tramite internet, ci stanno delle persone che non sanno di internet, anno difficoltà, bisogna aiutare alle persone. Spero alla vostra risposta grazie. Gentili saluti.