Key COVID Information for Travelers to Italy
If traveling to Italy this year, we highly advise that you check with your airline, consulate and travel expert. First, make sure that you know what paperwork is required and have booked the correct COVID test before you leave your country of origin and return home. The process to say the least, seems exhausting and we will continue you to update you.
Currently, travelers from EU countries, the Schengen area, Israel, Canada, Japan and the United States can enter Italy without any quarantine obligation. To enter you will need:
Passenger Locator Form
The European Digital Passenger Locator Form (dPLF) is currently required by passengers entering Italy via all means of transportation. For families, only one member of the family will have to complete the PLF. Before you fill in your PLF, you will be asked to read the Destination’s Country Privacy Policy. It informs you about the collection and processing of your personal data for the purposes related to the European dPLF.
For more information visit: https://app.euplf.eu/#/
A COVID-19 Green Certification (Italy) and EU Digital COVID Certificate
On July 1st, the EU Digital COVID Certificate will become mandatory for travel within Europe. It allows you to travel without quarantine and attend large events like concerts. It should be presented alongside your required travel documents. If concerned about privacy, know that all information provided remains on the certificate and is not shared. The EU COVID Pass is available in digital and paper format.
For more information, visit: https://www.covidpasscertificate.com/europe-digital-green-pass/
Come ottenere la certificazione
COVID Testing Before Entering Italy and Upon Returning to the United States
It is important to regularly check with your airline about testing requirements since things seem to change all the time. Here are some resources:
Pharmacies in Rome that offer the rapid antigen test.
PCR tests need a doctor’s prescription. Visit this link.
COVID Testing at Rome Fiumicino Airport
At the Terminal 3 Arrivals area, from 00:00 until 16:00 every day, a rapid or molecular swab service can be provided for all passengers departing from or arriving at Fiumicino
Here are the costs and links:
- €20 for an antigen test, obtaining the test result within a half an hour;
- €69.88 for a molecular test. The swab result can be pick up in person at the airport within 36 hours.
Pay for tests at the airport by credit card, ATM or directly by smartphone, using the contactless payment apps.
To access the service, you need to pre-register online on the following website: www.adr.it/digital-health-pass.
There’s a test area in Area E dedicated to passengers arriving from the USA.
For more information, visit this link.
Returning to the U.S.
Continue to check CDC guidelines for the testing requirements needed upon return to the US from international destinations. See here.

Other Resources
Ministero della Salute: Note that currently it is mandatory to have a mask with you at all times and it should be worn both indoors and all outdoor spaces. Check the Ministry of Health website for updates.
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
Andare all’estero (e rientrare in Italia)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Argentina (ETIAS Authorization)
Australia: There is currently a ban on Australians traveling overseas.
Canada: Discouraging non-essential travel to Italy.
South Africa: Self isolation for 10 days is still in effect.
Milano Malpensa Required Documents and Regulations (additional available on American Airlines website).
Venice Airport: Delta Airlines will begin COVID-tested flights on July 2nd.
Italian Government Presidency of the Council of Ministers
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