Yes, it is all very romantic-romantico …under the Tuscan Sun, the country house villa, the lovely narrow streets in the cities…but when it is so hot that you melt, sleepless nights appear to be longer than they should and the floor seems to glue under your sandals…well …a bit less Tuscan Sun would be appreciated. So what to do to find shelter on hot days?
Let the “big maneuvers” begin by starting to keep all the windows (finestre) facing the sun closed (chiuse) during the hottest hours and be ready to open (finestre aperte) them as soon as the sun goes down and…hopefully, start feeling a bit of evening breeze (brezza)…
Not true that you should avoid going out in the heat.
In my experience, it is far better to be outside the house, maybe taking advantage of bars and cafés with AC (aria condizionata) to read and write or touring less known museums …Trust me, there are so many of them outside the beaten track that you only have to choose…
Italian classes (classi di italiano) also are an option: language schools are open in Summer (Estate) and surely you’ll find one to one courses or small groups ready to welcome you. It is a great way to meet people sharing your same interest in language and culture and you may have the chance to take part to some interesting organized activities.
Drink! Bevete!
Yes, keep hydrated at all time and enjoy the wide choice of fresh fruit juices, centrifuges and smoothies that are so trendy nowadays. Fruttivendoli (fruit sellers) or mini-markets sometimes offer “Macedonia di frutta” (fruit salad) to-go and it is an excellent way to keep going. Not to mention Gelato that can substitute a regular meal, that would be too much with the heat.
No need to say that I know by heart all the best gelato places in Siena! Gelato artigianale of course!

In the evening – La sera
In the evening…yes it is time for Aperitivo! One of the most civilized ways of ending a working-day or …any day! I travelled a lot and loved every place I visited, each time discovering something unique and different from Italy. However, surely I have missed the lovely aperi–time one enjoys almost anywhere in Italy.
The culture of Aperitivo is widespread all over the “boot” (lo Stivale, as Italians call their country for its unique shape). Friends and colleagues getting together after work, people who just met and want to get to know each other better without the challenge of a long dinner; a moment of peace, to “decompress” after the day and before going home.
Un momento sospeso
A precious me-time, or, as I call it, “un momento sospeso”…a moment hanging between working/social life and family life, in between the two. It’s up to you who you decide to spend it with. Aperi-time and its ability to unite everyone in front of a glass. Almost always now, drinks are served with appetizers (stuzzichini) and one can easily skip dinner (cena) after that. An aperitivo with lots of stuzzichini? We call it “apericena”

Among the many drinks one can choose, my favourite is called Spritz. If you are lucky enough to sip a Spritz in Venice, where the drink was created,…well this is the top and a difficult one to match! Spritz e cicchetti (similar to Spanish tapas) is an unforgettable experience. However, from the Northeast, the cocktail in the last 20 years or so, has spread all over Italy (and abroad) and, no doubt, it is now one of the most popular drinks, a real “must” for appetizers and pre-evening throughout Italy.
Prosecco, bitters, soda water and a slice of orange: often the best recipes come from simple ingredients. Like la Dolcevita, simply made of simple moments.
Learn Italian: Vocabulary List
- romantic | romantico
- window | finestre
- closed | chiuse
- open window | finestre aperte
- breeze | brezza
- air conditioning | aria condizionata
- Italian classes | classi di italiano
- summer | estate
- fruit sellers/vendors | fruttivendoli
- fruit salad | macedonia di frutta
- Italy: “the boot” | lo Stivale
- appetizers | stuzzichini
- dinner | cena
The Art of Slow Living with Chiara’s Tuscany
Chiara’s Tuscany is a multiple faceted project focused on the “art of slow living & learning” and dedicated to the Italian language and to Italy lovers. It includes online and in person courses, full immersions in Chiara’s native Siena, a blog, and Instagram community. Tune into the podcast, Chiacchiere con Chiara, with episodes on Italian lifestyle and interviews with people who changed their life by learning Italian.