Thinking about traveling to Italy in 2022 but afraid to travel because of COVID? Having been there twice in 2021, I can tell you that Italians are taking virus precautions seriously.
As of the first week of 2022, approximately 90 percent of the Italian population has been fully vaccinated (as opposed to 62 percent of Americans). Since there has been an uptick in cases, the Italian Ministry of Health extended the COVID state of emergency to March 31, 2022. It further announced a vaccine mandate for everyone over the age of 50.
In addition, the Ministry has put forth these more restrictive regulations:
- The use of face masks both indoors and outdoors is mandatory.
- The use of FFP2 or KN95 masks is mandatory to take any public transportation or to participate in any indoor or outdoor event.
- Passengers on flights to and from Italy must use the FFP2 or KN95 mask.
- Only two passengers at a time may take a taxi.
- Green Passes will be valid six months instead of nine months.
- Those wishing to stay at hotels or BBs must have a Super Green Pass. The Super Green is also mandatory to use all public transportation including local buses, metros and trains. Fairs, conferences, museums, entertainment venues, ski lifts, pools, gyms/wellness centers, spas, festivals, and sporting events also require the Super Green Pass.
What Are Green and Super Green Passes?
Green Pass
Green Passes are either a digital or paper certificate verifying that the holder has either been vaccinated, tested negative or recovered from covid-19. An unvaccinated visitor could get a 48-hour Green Pass by testing negative. Only fully vaccinated people can get a Super Green Pass.
Americans and Canadians need to show proof of vaccination with their official vaccination certificates.
What Are FFP2 and KN95 Masks?

The FFP2 and KN95 masks are the equivalents of the N95 and P2 masks from other parts of the world. Studies show that these respiration masks are 94-95 percent effective against the virus. Germany has required their use on public transportation and in supermarkets since last year.
You can find the legitimate masks through Bona Fide, Well Before, and Amazon.
Are All of the Regions Safe?

The Ministry of Health classifies its regions (similar to states) into four categories according to the risk for COVID. Those in the white zone have the least amount of risk, followed by yellow, orange, and red.
As of January 3, the regions in the WHITE zone are Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Molise, Puglia, Sardegna, Toscana, Umbria, and Valle d’Aosta. In YELLOW are Calabria, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardia, Marche, Piemonte, Sicilia, Veneto, PA Trento, and PA Bolzano.
As always, be sure to check the US Embassy website for updated information before you depart.
Here is my question. As an American who has been fully (4 shots) vaccinated do I need a green certificate or do I just have to show the Vaccination card issued by the CDC?
Ciao, John. You just need to show the card. Americans cannot get a green card. It’s so simple, to tell the truth. I just put mine in a clear sleeve and carried it in my sling bag. Hope this helps! Chris
Hello! I can’t find FFP2 masks to fit my kids. We’ll be traveling to Italy in October. We have KN95 for them. Would those be ok? Not sure how strict the rule is.
Thank you.
Sarah A.
Hi Sarah, Thanks for your comment and for reading the article. It’s probably best to check with your travel agent if you have one or keep up with the Ministry of Health in Italy. We found this — “Use of masks
Until September 30, 2022 the use of FFP2 masks remains mandatory aboard the following means of transport:
ships and ferries used for interregional transport services
High Speed, Intercity, Intercity Night, and Interregional Trains
buses connecting more than two regions
buses/coaches used for chartered services with driver
local and regional public transport
The use of a mask is no longer mandatory on airplanes and for access to indoor shows and sporting events.
However, the use of the mask in all indoor environments and in all cases of crowded outdoor events is highly recommended.
Please note that nonetheless, in all situations, the following people are excluded from the requirement to wear masks:
children under the age of six
persons with a medical condition or disability that is incompatible with the use of a mask, and persons who must communicate with a disabled person
individuals who are engaging in athletic activities”
I’ll speak with our travel editor who is also traveling to Italy in October. I imagine that the KN95 will be fine, but again keep checking in with the Ministry of Health website. Thanks for following us and Buon viaggio!